My First Byline

Interviews by How They Did It

made a cringey YouTube video of 17 reasons she should get the internship

started a radio show in college

worked as a copy editor for an e-commerce site

flew across country on his own dime for a job interview

turned his college thesis into a magazine article

applied for a job with an alum of her college

wrote a very weird cover letter

moved to Europe

a fellow intern recommended her for a fellowship


started a Substack

got a recommendation from a teacher

got a job producing a news editor’s blog

moved to a small town to work at a respected local paper

started a newsletter about food with her mom

wrote for her high school paper

wrote for the local paper in college

worked at an alternative paper

ran into a local sports editor at a stoplight


applied for a job that was then canceled but the editor put her in touch with other editors in the same chain

freelanced while bartending

worked at a small local paper

freelanced until she was friends with the editor

read an editor’s social media feed to find that he hated bus delays and emailed him about that

a coworker from the student newspaper put her in touch with her internship manager

roommate from a journalism program recommended her for a job

freelanced for a local paperworked for a small local paper

applied through an online listing

sent clips to recruiters

reached out to famous college alumni in journalismnetworked with a family friend

had an editor recognize her military experience as an asset

worked at a trade publication

editor DM’ed him after reading a story

applied to a lot of internships

wrote for a gaming blog

got a job as a legislative analyst

got an internship paid by her college

landed a job in part because she was the only candidate who had waited tables

worked as a stringer

met a recruiter, didn’t impress him, met with him again a year later

wrote for a publication run by a theater ticket broker

wrote obits for a local paper

took a post-graduate program through the Press Association

worked as a bartender while applying for entry-level jobs everywhere

got a job working in Montana

met anyone who was paid to write for coffee to get advice

worked as a freelance reporter in college

wrote a column for the local paper when she was a teen-ager

wrote to the editor of a small-town paper

talked to an editor through Twitter


used her deep knowledge of the local arts scene to write a coverage plan

bartended at the Cheesecake Factory until he landed a newsroom assistant job

applied for every entry-level journalism job she could find

worked at D.C. area think tanks

worked as a newsroom assistant through a temp agency

had a journalism professor recommend him to an editorhad a journalism professor recommend her to an editor

went to a career fairwent to a career fairwent to a career fair but didn’t get the spot she wanted, so she followed the recruiter onto a shuttle to the airport and struck up a conversation

took an editing test

made a spreadsheet of job applications

wrote for a small weekly newspaper

worked on the college newspaperworked on the college newspaperworked on the college newspaperworked on the college newspaper

worked in a publishing house for bookazines

met an editor who came to speak at her college

started blogging about local bars and restaurants

applied to more than 50 jobs

had an editor see her do on-stage storytelling

an editor thought she had a writerly sounding name

made a spreadsheet of editors she wanted to meet

worked as an editorial assistant for a vegetarian news publication

worked for an English-language publication overseasworked for an English-language publication overseas

used Twitter to make connections with other freelancers and editorsreplied to a tweet

wrote for her hometown paper during winter breakfreelanced stories for her hometown paper until a full-time position opened up

wrote a brief for the alt-weekly in her college town

wrote about TV on a Tumblr blog that got noticed by an editorstarted tweeting about her expertise in accounting and got noticed by editorsstarted his own political news site as a side hustle before turning it into a full-time jobmade a connection with a newspaper through a friend from LiveJournalwrote capsule reviews of movies for a DVD news site

worked as an internworked as an internworked as an internworked as an internworked as an internapplied for an internship but was turned downapplied for an internship but was turned downapplied for an internship but was turned downhad an editor from her internship recommend herworked as an internworked as an internworked as an internworked as an intern

got a fellowshipgot a fellowshipgot a fellowship

took a wire service writing test

started as a weekend reporter

randomly met an editor at a bar

worked on social media in a newsroomworked on the calendar listings for an alt-weeklyworked as a fact-checker

figured out a music editor was a fan of a band he knew and pitched an interview with them

a coworker at TGI Friday’s posted a job listing on Facebook

applied for a newsroom assistant job and almost lost it because of a dumb joke in the interviewused spare time in a job as an editorial assistant to pitch stories

had a mother who was the deputy Washington bureau chief

worked at an in-flight magazine

went to grad school in journalism

emailed a joke to a sportswriter who used it in his column

went to a startup after applying through a job board

had an editor who thought that New Mexico is not that different from Texas

cold emailed the editor of a publication she liked and did well on an editing testspent the summer cold emailing journalists on LinkedInfound a sketchy job listing on Craigslist for a website reviewing cell phones and sent in an unhinged cover letterstarted at a content farm for health information

knew a little bit of HTML and CSS

did well on a job test that was basically just LSAT questionshad a story he wrote on a tryout land on the Drudge Report

worked as a pastry chef before using that knowledge as a freelance food writer

made a newspaper with a friend for his sixth-grade class

a friend of a friend was looking for someonea friend who went to Yale forwarded her an email sent by an alum to a college listserva friend in college asked if he would help George F. Will fix his computer

worked in the communications office at her college

was editor of his college paperworked at his college paper